If you listened to the interview I did with Daniel Mullin at The Unemployed Philosopher, you might already know this, but my next project is building what I’m calling a CV to Resume Translator.
One of the biggest psychological blocks to leaving academia is the belief that your experience doesn’t translate into the “outside world,” that you have nothing to offer. The CV, which of course only includes academic experience, becomes the symbol of that belief. After all, who outside of the academy needs a Dickens scholar?
Quite a few people, actually — but not necessarily for the knowledge of Dickens. When you start from that sense of not having anything to 0ffer, it’s really hard to translate your academic experience into non-academic language. It’s even harder to resurrect the non-academic experience you probably have, but have discounted or outright forgotten.
That’s where the Translator will come in. It’ll be a form that asks you to input all kinds of information, including but not limited to the stuff on your CV, and it will spit out a comprehensive resume draft you can then frame in all kinds of ways for different applications.
I’m really geeked out about this!
If you want to know when it goes live (and maybe be a beta tester!), you can sign up for the notify list by clicking here and filling out the handy-dandy little form.
Jen´s last blog post ..The importance of blogging