A few weeks ago, I was thinking about what I needed when I was a miserable academic and thus, by extension, what you might need.
What I wanted more than anything during that time was someone to hear me, someone to acknowledge what was going on with me, someone to affirm my perceptions and encourage me to keep problem-solving and thinking about what I wanted and needed. I needed a way to touch base, to reassure myself that I was on the right track.
But I didn’t have that option, because the people I was used to talking to — my colleagues, my adviser, my friends — were all invested in the status quo. Their own lives were tied up in believing that academia was right for everyone.
From the stories I’m lucky enough to hear from you all, many of you are in the same position.
Open Office Hours. An hour and a half a month where you’re welcome to call me and chat and tell me what’s up and ask for what you need — reassurance and listening and problem-solving and whatever else comes up.
It’ll be first-come first-serve, and I’ll limit each caller to 15-20 minutes, just so I can make sure to give everyone a chance.
The first set of Open Office Hours will be on Wednesday, June 2, 7:30-9pm ET. I’ll post reminders on the blog a few days in advance.
You can learn more about Open Office Hours — including future dates and times — by clicking here.
I look forward to talking with you!