A weekly compilation of the interesting things I find around the web. Saw something interesting? Add it in the comments!
That xkcd cartoon I linked last week skewering university home pages has actually gained some traction in higher ed, leading to conversations about what the site should have.
An expert on university management suggests that two related “Hippocratic oaths,” one for faculty and one for administrators, could help defuse campus tensions.
Should professors have to ask permission of their universities to run for political office? Central Michigan University says yes. It’s faculty says no.
A university architect asks whether faculty really need private offices — would communal space work as well? The comments raise a lot of interesting points, including the tenure-track / adjunct divide, issues of different work expectations, and questions about student privacy.
David Hiscoe returned to academia after twenty years in corporate American to find that the things that drove him out have only gotten worse.
Claire Potter of Tenured Radical fame suggests dealing with academic overload by consciously — and routinely — tracking your work against department norms.